By Sean Fagan

Enjoying a camp fire at dusk (Photo: Sean Fagan, East Ireland, Mar/2017).


.Tinder Bundle Size and the Small Twig Fire


A popular way of lighting a campfire using only natural materials in a woodland is the small twig fire.

And a common issue I come across when demonstrating the small twig fire is the optimal size for the tinder bundle under a small twig fire.

Many aspiring fire-skills enthusiasts, especially beginner bushcrafters, either use a tinder bundle that is too small or too compressed or both.

A baseline minimum size I use for tinder bundle size is fist size.

That's a minimum - most of the time I use larger sized tinder bundles.

What this essentially means is collecting sufficient tinder, preparing it properly and just as importantly - constructing your small twig fire in such a way that it easily accommodates at least a fist-sized tinder bundle.

Learn how these three factors, when combined, greatly improve fire-lighting success with the small twig fire - and just as importantly; how to achieve these three elements of fire-lighting success.