By Sean Fagan
camp fire

Enjoying a camp fire in the west of Ireland (Photo: Sean Fagan).


Fire holds a powerful fascination that resonates deeply within our species.

For myself, a camp fire is the quickest way I know of turning the woods into home.

And when I make my camp fire from gathered, natural materials – it’s all the sweeter.

I doubt very much I'll ever tire of sitting before a camp fire and I look forward to many more years of enjoying the mesmerising flicker and glow of one of life’s great outdoor pleasures – the camp fire.

The writer, Henry Beston, put it well...


The world today is sick to its thin blood for lack of elemental things, for fire before the hands, for water welling from the earth, for air, for the dear earth itself underfoot”.


It's my hope that you too will enjoy many a campfire in the coming years...


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