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Tag: Nature inspiration

Woodlands & Modern Life

By Sean Fagan
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A wonderful pine and cork oak woodland, south Portugal (Photo: Sean Fagan).


What is it about woodlands that draws so many of us into their leafy lairs?

And why do the woods give so many people a sense of peace and inspiration?

The short answer is, I don't know.

But I can offer my own musings about the allure of woodlands...

And why the simplicity and peace of the woods seems to make a lot of modern life appear, quite frankly, somewhat fatuous.


Grounded in Nature…

By Sean Fagan.
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A feeding, male COMMON BLUE butterfly (Polyommatus icarus), (Photo: Sean Fagan).


An Encounter with Nature...


A few days ago, before the date of this post, something special occurred.

While walking late at night on a quiet city road, I came across a mother red fox with her three cubs.

Learn more about my personal encounter with nature and what fox cubs and prehistoric cave art have in common...

and why being grounded in nature is important.


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